How To Pack Glasses And Dishes For Moving

If you are looking for how to pack glasses, how to pack wine glasses, how to pack dishes, how to pack dishes for moving, or how to pack wine glasses for moving, then you are in the right place.

You should know how to pack dishes and glasses for moving because poorly packed dishes and glasses can easily topple and fall, or crush when they bump on each other.

Besides, you need good supplies for packing dishes and glasses. Also, know where to get free packing paper, free packing boxes, and other free packing supplies you need at a minimal cost if any.

So, what is the best way to pack dishes and glasses for moving? Pack them separately, cover each of them with a cushioning material, and securely lock the shelves, drawers, or cabinets where you have placed the utensils.

Keeping the utensils stable is essential in a moving RV. You do not wish to reach your destination with piece of water or wine glasses and have nothing to use. You need to know how to pack dishes and glasses for moving.

Here is a detailed guide for

  • Safely pack dishes and pack glasses for moving
  • Hints of 24 places to get FREE boxes for moving
  • Tips of Places to Get FREE bulk newspapers
  • Tips of storing commodities for short term and long term storage.
  • How to pack for moving (Video)

Best Way To Pack Glasses And Dishes For Moving

How to pack dishes and glasses for moving

Do you pack dishes vertically or horizontally? It is common to see people pack dishes horizontally but that is not the right way to do it. Always pack your dishes vertically. It is because packing dishes for moving entails utensils moving up and down when travelling.

So, when dishes are packed horizontally irrespective of the packing papers used they are likely to bounce back on each other and break. Unlike when the dishes are packed vertically they are less likely to bounce back on each other. Pack dishes vertically.

When packing, use a variety of the following packing supplies for dishes and glasses:

Padding Papers

Padding papers can be used to separate dishes. Also, some flexible padding can be used to wrap around cups. You can also use the padding paper line up the drawers and shelves, and inside packaging boxes you intend to place your utensils.

Bubble Wrappers

They can work just as the padded papers. Also, you can you the bubble wrap to individually wrap each item to separate them. Source for free bubble wrap so you wrap well without worrying of limited packaging material. If you do not know haw to pack dishes with bubble wrap, it is simple. Simply put bubble wrap in between plates.

What about bowls? Packing bowls ca be done just as plate. So, how to pack bowls for moving needs you to wrap the bowls with the wrap before stacking the bowls together.

How to pack cups and mugs is not had. Wrap them with packing paper. Also, for delicate glasses wrap both inside and outside with a bubble wrap.

Use Towels

One good way of how to pack dishes for moving without paper is to use towels. Get a number of hand towels to separate the glasses. The towels acts as a cushion that absorbs the shock and vibrations during the move preventing the utensils from knocking each other.

With proper use of towels, you can safely travel with your glassware. Wrap cups with towels to cushion them. Also, you shove rolled towels in to cupboards, shelves, or cabinet before driving the RV.

Also, wine glasses are often made of thin glass. Thus, if you are wondering how to pack wine glasses for moving, then using small towels can be great. Wrap the wine glasses with towel then remaining unused extra towel put inside the glass.

Coffee Filters

To separate the dishes or glasses you can use coffee filter papers, newspapers, or towels among other soft items to provide a padding and cushion.


Packing dishes with newspaper entails wrapping the dishes with newspapers. Always use a at least a double layer when using a news paper to enhance cushioning.


Yes. Pillows are among essential checklist items for camping. If you have enough throw pillows for comfy sleeping, seating and reclining then it’s worth using some to secure other items.

Your throw pillows can provide a good cushion for your utensils in the shelf, drawers, or cabinets.

Throw pillows crammed in the cabinet keep all dishes and glasses in place when you are moving. They keep several things securely wedged in beside things that don’t need to move.

Once you pack the utensils well in a box, the pillows provides a padding that brings about a cushioning effect and prevent breakage.

For instance, fill the empty spaces at the top of the box with the pillows or if the shelf is full to the top allow room near opening for a pillows. Place the pillows then lock the shelf door.

Use Plastic Boxes

Instead of individually arranging the glassware one by one on the RV shelves, packing them in a plastic box can enhance stability. Line up the plastic box with handtowels/clothe/newspaper to provide a cushion.

Be sure to separate the glasses with newspaper, or wrap them in newspaper/towels/kitchen tissue. The point is provide a cushion with whichever soft materials you have.

Boxes with Divides

Specially designed packing boxes for dishes and glasses can securely pack your valuables. The boxes have several internal divides depending on which item you want to store. Special boxes is another way of how to pack glasses for moving without paper.

The divides prevents the items from getting in contact hence prevents breakage even when moving in bumpy roads. The special boxes are good for packing dishes for long distance move.

For instance, if you are to ship plates and you do not know how to pack plates for shipping, consider using boxes with divides or cardboard boxes with divides.

Non-Skid Shelf Liners

A non-skid shelf liner is a material that you can use to line up all you shelves and drawers before you load your packed boxes.

The liner prevents sliding of items by adding more friction between the contact surfaces and enhances stability in comparison to a shelf that has no liner that is more vulnerable to slide.

Other example of shelf liners is the foam mesh liners that come in varying sizes and colours. Apart from foam mesh liner being used as an anti-skid in shelves it can also be used as rugs, or table cloth depending on your preference.

Buy thick Camping Glasses and Dishes

The thicker the glass or dishes, the more stable they are likely to be. Besides, a bit of clinking is no big deal and are less likely to break compared to thin dishes and glasses.

Carry Plastic, Corelle, enamel, melamine, or metal ware Utensils

Instead of glassware, you can still find good utensils that you can use during camping. Plastic, corelle, enamel, or metal ware utensils come in various designs and shapes you can choose from.

If you need transparency you can go for plastic ware for glasses such as wine glass. Besides, these materials are good to use when camping with kids.

Disposable Plates and Cups

Instead of worrying of breaking any of your glass valuables, the use of disposables can be a good idea. Besides, disposables are locally available easy to pack and store since they are stackable and saves storage space.

Decorative Basket

You can create a decorative basket yourself for storing glasses. Simply get a basket of desired size. Cut a piece of cardboard to fit in the bottom. Take toilet paper tubes and cut them to the needed height.

Glue together the paper tubes to desired shape and size so they can stand up. Put them far enough apart so the glasses don’t hit each other. Finally, put the glasses facing upside on the tubes. Cover with another cardboard on top.

Proper Arrangement

When loading your RV shelves, load heavy items at the bottom and lighter items at the top to increase stability. If you arrange light items first and heavy items on the top is the worst idea.

It is because you not only increase instability that can cause falls but also risk damaging the lighter items due to heavy weigh of compression on them.

It is worth noting that when packing, separate items. For instance, do not mix mugs, glasses, and dishes in one box.

If you have to pack them together in a large box then be sure to individually pack the items separately such as mugs in one small box. Learn more RV travel hacks.

In between boxes use a padding material. Heavy items first and light items on top. You can use a small bungee cord and wrap through door handles and hook to securely lock the shelves, drawers or cabinets.

24 Places For Free Moving Boxes/cardboard sheets/Bubble wraps

Free moving boxes near me

Packaging and transporting of items can sometimes increase your spending. Besides, if you do not pack well your items then possibilities of damages and losses is likely to occur.

However, you should actually get free packaging boxes of various sizes to store your commodities. Get free boxes in any of these randomly listed 20 places near you or even online:

1. Rite Aid:

Offers free boxes to anyone wishing to have them.

2. Petco:

Boxes are available in various size, and shapes. Choose what you want

3. Dollar stores:

Thousands of boxes are always available. Show up and ask for them

4. Freecycle:

To get the boxes search online for Freecycle group. You have to specify the number of boxes you need and sizes, often you can get 10-20 boxes. The members will give you a response within an hour and you agree on where to collect them.

5. Facebook community groups:

Facebook people are more than willing to help. In fact you may find someone in your locality where you simply show up to get the free boxes.

6. Letgo:

Number of boxes depends with availability. You can always find some and sometimes more than enough

7. OfferUp:

Is an App in which you can request for free moving boxes among other free things. You can get as many boxes as you can find since many people can willingly give you for free while other can sell to you. The choice is yours.

8. Costco:

The Company often reuses or repurposes the packaging boxes. However, with a call ahead of shipment they will reserve your number so you collect

9. WinCo:

You have to call ahead in order to reserve the boxes. Often, you will speak to a stoker or the manager.

10. Target:

Daily you can get 1-10 boxes. However, if you need more check on weekdays when shipment is high. Go before 12 noon. Besides, if you can call ahead then they can specially set aside the number of boxes you need.

11. Walmart:

You can collect more than 10 Walmart moving boxes a day. Show up, request and choose

12. PetSmart:

Dog food, toys, water containers, beds, and many other items are usually stored in boxes. Making a call ahead to get free empty boxes is worth a try since you will get more than enough.

Going before 12 noon is a good time to check out for the boxes before the rush hour

13. Walgreens:

Call ahead. Notifying them in advance before showing up will ease your waiting period since when you go to collect them they will be ready. You can get about 10-15 boxes.

14. Office depot:

Going on a Tuesday being their first day of the week for shipment, you will get lots of boxes. You can also request for boxes that have lids. On average you can get 20-30 boxes per shipment based on your location.

15. U-Haul:

The company has a customer connect stores in which moving boxes are left. Find a store manager near you and inquire if the boxes are available. Also, you can check online by simply entering your zip and city to check stores near you.

16. Local classifieds:

Search for free boxes and sometimes you can get them for pennies. It is one of the ways to get cheapest moving boxes.

17. Starbucks:

The cafe have several boxes used in packaging coffee essentials such as machine, filters, cream, flavoring, and coffee grounds, among others.

Shipment is done twice or thrice a week. Call ahead to plan on the day you can collect. On average you can collect 12-25 boxes of various sizes and shapes.

18. Barnes & Noble:

Box travel in boxes. Once the box are delivered to the bookstore and the boxes are emptied, you can request for the boxes. Often, you can get 4-8 boxes per shipment.

19. Liquor/wineries/breweries stores:

The boxes for liquor are sturdy and high quality since the liquor are often stored in glass bottles. Call ahead to know when shipment is being received. You can get 5-10 free boxes per night.

20. Craigslist:

Check the free section on the craigslist website. You can find unlimited quantity of the free moving boxes. Often, at the beginning of the week is a good time to check for free moving boxes since it is when people have just unpacked for the previous weekend.

21. USPS:

United States Postal Services have free used boxes. Just order and get them delivered to you for free

22. Furniture stores:

Any furniture store near you is likely to have free used packaging materials such as large boxes, Styrofoam, bubble wrap, and wrapping paper used in packaging their supplies. Visit the local store to place your order and schedule a pick up.

23. Grocery stores:

Go early in the morning before store opens for customers to collect the boxes. Often, you will have to speak to the persons in charge so you scheduled when to collect the boxes and other packaging materials.

24. Garages and automotive body shops:

Make a call in advance. Often they have plenty of storage materials used in packaging car parts, paints, and other items.

Where Can I get Free Newspapers for Packing Near Me?

Free newspaper near me

You may need free newspapers to wrap your valuables. Actually you do not have to spend to buy used newspapers. Here is a list of places you can request for free newspapers and have as many copies as you need.

Nursing Homes:

Often nursing homes have lots of newspapers that their clients read as part of leisure or to get informed. They have lots of old newspapers most of which are not being used.

Actually nursing homes can be considered as a gold mine for free used newspapers. You can arrange with them so you can get a number of old newspapers each week.


Nearby library can give you free newspapers. Often, several newspapers across the globe including magazines and periodicals have been stored so as to keep their clients informed.

However, they still have piles of old magazines that are outdated and some are shipped to recycling centers. Call in advance to get free copies of the newspapers.

Local schools and colleges:

The libraries are well stocked with newspapers that you can request for free old newspapers.


It doesn’t seem like to have them but it is one of the places you can get plenty of free newspapers. Often, people are given free newspapers to read while waiting for a flight or when on board. Schedule a date with the persons in charge to get free copies of the newspapers.


Guests are often provided with free latest newspapers. A call to a receptionist would actually help you get free old newspapers that would have been pilled awaiting to go for recycling.

Coffee shops:

There are often free newspapers that have been distributed for customers to read when enjoying their cups of coffee. Go to any of the coffee shops and ask for old newspapers.

Other stores:

Stores near you that can have old newspapers include Walmart, Meijer, Drugstores, Grocery stores, and gas stations. Contacting the store in advance will help you collect a significant amount of newspapers that you can use for packaging.

Sometimes you may need old newspapers in bulk. Consider sourcing bulk newspapers from:

  1. Family and friends
  2. Recycling centers
  3. Local newspaper office
  4. Post classified ads such as on craigslist
  5. Advertise your free pick up service for old newspapers

How To Pack For Long Term Vs. Short Term Storage

Often, there is no a standard way to pack for either long term or short term storage. However, how and what you want to pack would determine how well the commodities would last for either period of storage.

The following are tips for packing dishes and glasses for various duration:

Short Term Storage

Anything you store for a period not exceeding three months can be considered as a short term storage. Valuable items should be stored properly whichever the duration to prevent damages. Generally, for short term storage:

  • Make use of dust covers: Prevents moisture and dust from reaching your items and causing damages.
  • Ensure a sufficient separation distance such as an aisle between the packaging unit to allow free movement and access of packages without having to unpack then pack everything to access a single package.
  • Treat fragile items with caution just as you would have stored them in a long term storage to prevent breakage and unnecessary relocation of the packages.

Long Term Storage

Any commodity being stored for more than three months can be considered as a long term storage. The following tips can be helpful for you when intending to store items for long term.

  • Plastic bags can trap moisture and humidity. In turn, mildew or mold can grow.
  • Use sturdy boxes for storage
  • Fragile items should be well wrapped in newspaper, bubble wrap, and well separated in the boxes
  • Clothes and fabrics should be well sealed. Use vacuum sealed bags to prevent air from entering the clothes and causing damages
  • Storing electronics for long term have the interior wiped with bleach or baking soda to prevent bacterial and algae growth. Leave doors open.
  • Keep all packages off the ground. Use pallets to raise the packages and prevent damages.

How to Pack For Moving (Video)

You may wish to actually see the whole process of how to secure pack your kitchen items and even bedding for moving or shipping. Watch this video to gain better understanding.

How to Pack for Moving


With the above hacks, you are now good to go on whichever terrain with no worries concerning your utensils. No discomfort due to clatter noises of utensils.

Besides, you are less likely to incur loses if any of losing your treasured utensils.

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